Barbarella -if you don't already know- is a cult sci-fi film from 1960s based on a French comic book series. She is a space adventurer on a mission to save the world.

This is Bárbara's deep dive out into the universe beyond Flamenco. Something must have happened to her in the pandemic because everything changed….

Barbarella is an explorer and a hero and she is everywoman. She writing new music in English and in Spanish, bending the genres most people associate with the kinds of song she sings, spending a lot of time getting to know the guitar and the electric bass, creating a serious collection of new music that will very soon be shared with you all.

More soon!

To get a conversation started with Barbarella’s songwriting or music for sync, licensing, publishing, send an email to: barbarellasongwriter@gmail.com

Coming soon: Tik-Tok